One could say its really difficult difficult to summarize your research in 300 words or left.
I have been gone for a while so this week I will definitely be providing two posts to catch up. Also a great opportunity is coming up to present the research project.
During November 3rd-5th I will be traveling to Jackson, Mississippi to help host the 2017 National Society of Black Engineers Region 3 Fall Regional Conference since I am a member of the Region III Regional Executive Board. While there a Technical Research Exhibition will be held where students of the southeastern region of the society can present their research findings. The competition consists of two portions, either the showcase or the preliminary portion. Here are the differences between the two.
The preliminary track gives participants the opportunity to interact with a technical audience to present, discuss, and obtain feedback regarding preliminary findings and is recommended to people that are quite new to poster presentations.
The showcase track is for participants that are presenting work to a larger technical audience, and whose work is ready for, in the process of, or already been published in some format.
I am not sure which one I will undertake, since I have presented my poster once before for the ORS banquet during the prior year. However, I have not had numerous poster presentations. Thankfully they will help me decide based off of my abstract.
NSBE Region III TRE posterAbstract Writing
When writing an abstract you want to create a 300 word summary that communicates the experiment's content, what the overall goal would be, your methods for reaching that goal, and results and conclusions of your experimentation.
Since I was in the process of creating the poster and the abstract my mentor had me write 10 sentences to summarize the same things listed above to create the poster.
However, the abstract is a bit more technical thus it needed less high level explanations for the aforementioned items. Fitting your entire research into 300 words is no small feat though.
Since the presentation is next week and I have to go out of town I will take a short hiatus and return the following week with results from TRE. Wish me luck.

Placeholder text by Nelson R.. Photographs by NASA on The Commons.