Getting closer inch by inch

Successfully added the inch substrategy into the push primitive behavior

Posted by Nelson Raphael February 25th, 2018

Progress may be slow but it is still progress, whether it is an inch or a mile

This past week I added the inch substrategy to the push primitive behavior so it would have a secondary method for get across obstacles. Something I noticed during this process was the fact that the push primitive behavior was not engaging correctly. Due to an incorrect declaration of a property in the class one of the vectors keeping track of the default strategy of straighten was not being initialized. Once this was corrected it was immeadiately obvious when it was engaged.

During this upcoming week I will be working towards incorporating the gather strategy into this framework. Then I will also add additional conditionals that can help distinguish the push behavior from the climb or caterpillar behavior.

Bla Bla

On our radar

Currently we are trying to hit our goal of completing an entire runthrough of the environment with only one hill. This will indicate a great execution of the push, pull, climb and catepillar behaviors all working together.

Placeholder text by Nelson R.. Photographs by NASA on The Commons.