Recovery From Thanksgiving Itis

Resuming the project after the holiday break.

Posted by Nelson Raphael November 28th, 2017

Well now that Snakey has awaken from his Thanksgiving Nap we can get back to work.

This week the team will be picking up where we left off. Just to give a review last week I was working on the regionGrabber function for the other parts of the team and solving the issue with the plotter. The plotting mechanism exists as a sanity check for the user to confirm the functionality. The issue is that there are not enough points to plot the result of the region grab. When resolving this issue I will have to double check the conversion factor of the plotting.

I believe that the conversion factor is being multiplied incorrectly and is causing there to be too few points. Therefore if I correct the multiplication it should be able to provide the sanity check and I feel like this is possible because there already exists a function that plots the entire environment without constraining it to a particular region.

Another approach could be to take the pre-existing model that is already plotted and to index the part of the model requested by the user, so if the other method of debugging becomes too tedious then I can follow this option.

A Resource For Posterity

As a student of the ECE major school at Georgia Tech I am required to complete a communications component so that I can graduate. I took this as an opportunity to design a user manual that for the entire research project. To give a quick summary it will be a growing tool that teaches new members how to program the snake or perform maintenance on the robot. It also teaches users how to commit code to the repository and what the overall goal of this project is. It is still a work of progress but you can look at it here.

Placeholder text by Nelson R.. Photographs by NASA on The Commons.