Snakey has been reborn.
We have completed the construction of the new robotic snake. It consists of eight robotic links connected by aluminum brackets. There is an inherent joint bias in the second motor from the head unfortunately, but we are going to try and fix that before continuing. While doing that we have an impending deadline for our research proposal for Opportunity Research Scholars. Thus we have divided up the responsibilites. I am responsible for the literature review, method and procedures, and my section in the individual contribution.
The whole endeavor should not take extremely long. Hopefully we can have it completed before the weekend, so we can focus more on resetting the configuration on the robot. I will have to put some thought into describing what is required for the methods and procedures for this experiment given that the vision processing can play a pivotal role in the motion planning process.
Based off of the feedback recieved from the vision processing and tactile sensing the robotic snake can deliberate its next motion strategy in real time.
To see how each of the programs play a part in the larger role click here .
Photographs by NASA on The Commons.